C.S. Osborne No. 417 Tufting Needle (Spring Loaded)

C.S. Osborne No. 417 Tufting Needle (Spring Loaded)

The no. 417 Tufting Needle is an auto releasing tufting tool that does not catch when it is withdrawn. After threading button, end of needle is loaded with clasps. As needle reaches maximum depth, clasp is ejected. This tool saves time and labour, there is no need to remove the outside back of piece being tufted. A truly splendid craftsman’s tool.

Working Process:

1. At the start assemble on the thread the corresponding quantity of clasps for the required number of stitches. Insert clasp with thread in hollow of the needle.

2. Push needle (with inserted clasps and thread) through upholstery fabric, press head of needle. clasp with thread will be ejected.

3. Pull needle out and tighten thread, clasp will be anchored inside. Instructions are included with tool.

Length – 12″
Weight – 3oz


SKU: O417 Category:

£82.20 Inc. VAT(£68.50 Excl. VAT)

5 in stock (can be backordered)